diumenge, 1 de març del 2020

tour of school


Hello.I’m Alba.Welcome to INS almatà !
These building is ugly I don’t like it , but we study a lot .

Please come on a tour of the school.

Here we are in the main entrance.This is my class there is a big whiteboard , and my class is very big.This is the sports hall and I have P.E.It’s a great place!

This is an art class.It is a small class and I love painting and drawing.

dimarts, 18 de febrer del 2020


I'm going to compare 3 dogs.
The chihuahua is smaller than labrador , but the grandanes is the biggest 
The grandanes is bigger than chihuaua , but the grandanes is the biggest
The labrador is most sociable than chihuahua ,but the greandanes is the biggest
The chihuahua is more beautiful than grandanes , but the labrador is the most sociable 
The chihuahua is more expensive than labador ,but grandanes is most beautiful
The chhuahua is darker than labrador, but grandanes is the darkest.
Resultat d'imatges de chiguagua      Resultat d'imatges per a "labrador"Resultat d'imatges per a "grandanes"

diumenge, 8 de desembre del 2019


Hello,my name is Alba I'm from Balaguer,a city of Catalonia .I'm 12 years old . My birthay is the 28th of august .I would like an e-friend to help me study English.

I get up late every day and I have my breakfast .I go to my bedroom and I get dressed . And I go to INS Almatà.

I love languages.I study English,and French in a Language School.A I love animals.Resultat d'imatges per a "francia bandera""


I'm Albi_07 and here is my bedroom.It's big and beautiful.Every wall is the same colour the colour is grey , and there are two windows and a fantastic views.I love it

In my room ,there's a big bed and there are two bedsides next to it.There is a big wardrobe , and I i've got a lot of clothes . I've got a TV in my room and there is and alarm clock on the desk.

My favourite thing in the room is my laptop because I use it to watch  Netflix.

Resultat d'imatges per a "habitacion bonita con luces""